Saturday, January 25, 2020

Experiment for Identification of Paracetamol

Experiment for Identification of Paracetamol PATRICK ANTWI MANU IDENTIFICATION OF PARACETAMOL THROUGH THE USE OF PHARMACOPIEA TEST ABSTRACT Paracetamol is widely used (NHS Choice, 2012) for the relief of minor pain, toothache, headaches, symptoms of cold and reduces of patient’s temperature (control fever symptoms). It is classified as a mild analgesic agent. The following procedures were used during the experiment of identification of paracetamol. TLC method is important for separation of mixture. This technique is commonly used to determine the presence of particular compound through comparison of Rf values of both unknown samples and the standard samples. Melting point analysis is also useful for identification of compound. The melting point range can be indicated and recorded with the help of a thermometer. For instance, the melting point of paracetamol ranges from168 to172 degree Celsius Infra-red spectroscopy is one of the most essentially useful methods for identification of compound. It is usually used to identify medicines that contain correct drug in most pharmaceutical industries. Structural information about the functional group of unknown compounds can be ascertained through the use of infra-red spectroscopy. Significantly, the results generated during this experiment attest the accuracy and importance of these methods for identification of compounds. For example, the Rf values of TLC method as well as infra-red spectroscopy analysis demonstrated the presence of paracetamol and cafeine in sample ‘B’ and ‘D’ respectively. INTRODUCTION Paracetamol is the best alternative choice for children and ulcer patients who have a minor pain such as headache and children. Consequently, too much it (NHS Choice 25/06/2012) can cause severe harm to the kidney and the liver. AIM OF THE EXPERIMENT Identify paracetamol from various unknown samples through pharmacopeia test. Hypothesis The range of melting point of the samples that contain paracetamol would be (168 to 172) degree Celsius. Again, the samples that contain paracetamol only would turn into violet without changing to red after the experiment D. The Rf values of unknown samples that contains paracetamol would be the same as the Rf value of the standard sample when compared. Apparatus used for the experiment Micro-spatula UV-light Indicator IR spectroscopy Melting apparatus Pencil Rule Chromatography tank TLC plate Thin capillary tube Conical flask Beaker Micro-pipette Materials used Ethyl acetate Four unknown samples Water Dichromate METHODS Melting point analysis Melting point analysis was conducted for all the four unknown samples labelled A, B, C, and D. Small amount of crystals of each unknown samples was fetched into the melting point capillary tube. The capillary tube contained the sample was placed into the melting point apparatus. The samples temperature was measured with digital thermometer. Hence, both initial and final melting point of the samples was observed and recorded. This experiment was repeated twice to obtain the ranges of the melting point. INFRA-RED TECHNIQUE During the experiment, the arm of IR spectroscopy was cleansed with (ethanol) alcohol. The background of IR spectroscopy was scanned. Hence, each sample was placed on the mouth of the IR spectroscopy and scanned. The wavelength detected the various bound in each compound. Copies of each compound scanned was printed out for observation and reading. EXPERIMENT D FOR IDENTIFICATION TEST ANALYSIS The experiment D was conducted for all the four unknown samples labelled A, B, C, and D. 0.1g of each unknown samples were measured with macro spatula and 1ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid was added to it. The solution was gently shake and heated to boil for about three minutes. 1ml of water was added to the boiling solution. After boiling, the solution was then placed in an ice bath to cool. Observation was made and there was no precipitation form. Therefore, 0.05m of 4.9/L solution of potassium dichromate was added to it and the colour developed for sample ‘B’ was violet without changing into red. However, the colour developed for sample ‘A’ was slightly red and changed to purpled whilst sample ‘C’ and ‘D’ developed yellow hint colour and diluted violet colour respectively. TLC METHOD A solvent system of about 20ml of ammonia: methanol: chloroform (1:19:80) was placed into the chromatography tank. A filter paper was placed against the wall inside the chromatography tank. The tank lid was placed on to prevent the evaporation of the solvent. The tank was left for about twenty minutes to allow saturated atmosphere to be formed. TLC method was conducted by using four unknown samples labelled A, B, C, D and ethyl acetate. During the experiment, a solution was made from each of the four unknown samples A, B, C, and D respectively. Thus, about 10mg of each sample was fetched with micro-spatula into the small beaker and dissolved with the small volume of ethyl acetate. Moreover, TLC plate was prepared by measuring 1.5cm distance from the edge of the plate with a rule. A horizontal line was drawn and marked the intervals with a pencil. The distance in between each interval was about 1.5cm apart. The line was demarcated into six intervals for the four unknown samples as well as the standard samples, which comprises of paracetamol and caffeine solution. Each solution was fetched with the help of a micro-pipette and spotted on the TLC plate at different intervals. In addition, the standard sample solutions of paracetamol and caffeine were spotted on the same plate at different position. Thus, spot A, B, C, D, Par and Caff in that order. The TLC plate was placed into the chromatography tank and covered with the lid. The solvent then moved up gradually through capillary action. Hence, the solute spotted on the TLC plate moved up along with the solvent (thus, mobile phase). TLC plate was removed from tank when the solvent reached about 2cm distance to the edge and marked with a pencil. Moreover, the plate was left to dry for about 20 minutes. After the evaporation of the solvent has taken place, TLC plate was then placed under the UV light for observation. A drawing was made with a pencil around the new spots formed on the plate. A measurement of the distance travelled by both solvent and substance were recorded. The Rf value was calculated for both unknown samples and the standard samples. Therefore, the Rf value was calculated base on the formula below. Rf value = distance travelled by substance divided by the distance travelled by solvent. Finally, the Rf values of unknown samples were compared with Rf values of the standard samples. The Rf value for paracetamol Rf = 3.90/6.1 Rf value = 0.639 = 0.64 RESULTS (b). Melting point analysis results SAMPLES A B C D MELTING POINT RANGE 171- 175 171 172 200 206 159 The sample ‘A’ is a bit higher than the normal range of the standard paracetamol sample. Equally, sample ‘B’ indicated the presence of paracetamol as the ranges 171-172 degree Celsius (c). (d). EXPERIMENT D FOR IDENTIFICATION ANALYSIS results SAMPLES A B C D Colour of solution Slightly red and turned to purple Violet Yellowish hint Dilute violet Sample ‘A’ developed purple colour which shows para-aminophenol The colour achieved for sample ‘B’ was violet which show positive result and it was therefore indicated the presence of paracetamol. The colour developed for sample ‘C’ was yellow hint which indicated the presence of caffeine. However, sample ‘D’ developed diluted violet colour which shows the presence of caffeine and paracetamol. Infra-red analysis results Sample AÂ   Sample B Bond Functional group Frequency / wave number absorption cm-1 Intensity v N-H amine 3319.12 stretch strong v C-H 2794.94 stretch strong/medium v O-H Hydrogen bond in alcohol, phenol 3109.51 stretch Strong v C=C 1650.71 Aromatic stretch s v C=O 1609.82 amide stretch N-H delta amide 1562.66 amide bend v C=C Aromatic stretch 1504.96 aromatic stretch The functional group obtained on sample ‘B’ indicated the presence of paracetamol. Sample C Sample D (g). Results for TLC analysis STANDARD SAMPLES Paracetamol Caffeine Rf values from TLC analysis 0.64 0.89 SAMPLES A B C D Rf values from TLC analysis 0.74 0.64 0.89 0.73 The Rf values calculated for TLC analysis indicated that sample B is paracetamol when compare with the standard samples. Thus, 0.64 Compound A, C, and D are less polar since they travelled faster and further in the mobile phase and they are more attracted to the mobile phase than compound B. However, compound B is more polar and travel slowly in the mobile phase. It is most attracted to the stationary phase. Discussion The experiment D of sample ‘B’ clearly showed positive outcome and indicated the presence of paracetamol as violet colour was achieved. In addition, TLC analysis also indicated that sample ‘B’ was paracetamol when Rf value of unknown samples ‘compared to the standard samples. Therefore, this shows the accuracy and precision of the positive outcomes of the experiment. Equally, the ranges obtained from melting analysis for sample ‘B’ also confirmed the presence of paracetamol. Experiment D of sample ‘A’ showed deep purple colour and the infra-red analysis confirmed that, it is para-aminophenol. Moreover, both experiment D, TLC method and infra-red analysis confirmed the presence of caffeine in sample ‘C’. However, sample ‘D’ developed dilute violet colour TLC analysis which shows a mixture of (two compounds) paracetamol and caffeine. The infra-red analysis also confirmed that, sample ‘D’ was a mixture of two compounds. Time SUMMARY REFERENCE Barber, J., Rostron, C.,(2013). Pharmaceutical Chemistry Hill, G., Holman, J,. (2011) Chemistry in Context. 6th edition NHS Choice, (25/06/2012). Available at: APPENDICES Mobile phase: Rf value: retention factor for thin layer chromatography. Stationary phase: TLC: thin layer chromatography UV light: ultraviolet light

Friday, January 17, 2020

Destin Brass Products Co. Case Study Essay

Destin Brass Products Co. has been established and grown to produce valves (24% of the company revenue), pumps (55% of the company revenue), and flow controllers (21% of the company revenue). This paper will illustrate the recommended solutions for the management of the company that are trying to evaluate the competitive trends of the market for the mentioned products, and trying to start new strategies to deal with these trends. Finance and accounting, as mentioned by Ambler (2008) are the essentials and basis to the short and long existence of any type of companies. The high competitiveness of market requires that all types of businesses have a comprehensive understanding to the costs and profits in much detail in order to facilitate decision making process. In Destin Brass case, the company tried to establish a high brand name for producing the valves, but later as an expansion to the business, the company included two new product lines which are the pumps and the flow controllers keeping in mind the similarities of productions and the availability of the productions capacity. Destin Brass did not have a distinguished competitor in the valves market because of the high quality of the valves produced, but there is a massive competition in the pump and flow controllers market. This paper will capture a time of the company business where there is a high competition on the pumps’ prices and the solution of increasing the prices of the flow controllers did not change the market. The management is in need to reconsider its financial strategy in order to face competition. The financial analysis After evaluating the current financial situation of Destin Brass, The analysis hereby will collaborate to answer the management questions, and examples of the below solutions had been used by business and it proved to have an influence of decision making process regarding the company strategy. The solutions are as follows: Product costs as per the ABC information From the given information in the case study, there is a connection between the products costs and the costs incurred by the activities related to the productions of each product line. The answer to this issue is to prepare cost estimates for the three products by applying the essentials of the  activity based costing, table 1 shows that the ABC costs of the valves is 37.8, the pumps is 48.82, and the flow controllers is $100.63. The ABC method tries to connect the indirect costs to the products, and consequently treat them as direct costs. Based on the case study financial information, the calculations in table 1 have been prepared by using the following: Creating a cost pool for the machine depreciation and maintenance cost, and allocate the products based on machine hours. Creating a cost pool for receiving and material handling costs by calculating the number of transactions consumed for every product. Creating a cost pool for engineering costs by calculating how much engineering is consumed by each product. Comparing the ABC with the standard and the revised unit costs In this comparison, it will appear the cost of each product under the three types of costing calculation methods and the reason why they are different. Table 2 shows the comparison. The three costing methods treat direct costs which are run labour and material, in the same way. Moreover, financial experts support the idea that direct costs is not the actual problem as this can be tracked to the product, but the issue is that costing calculations gets complicated when trying to allocate the overheads (Indirect costs). The allocation of overheads is where the differences in costs come under the three costing methods. In the standard cost accounting there is no effort made to track the overhead costs to the products. It is believed that indirect costs can not be related with the products that’s why they are summarised and then allocated to the products based on the given allocation factor (cost driver). In Destin Brass case, the overheads which include the receiving and materials handling, packing and shipping, and depreciation and maintenance for $680.000 per month, are allocated based on the run labour dollars. Consequently, every product is allocated a percentage of the overheads in the same ratio that the product consume of labour (valves 0.5 run hours per unit, pumps 0.5 run per unit, and flow controllers 0.4 run per unit). See table 3 for details. The revised cost accounting makes part of the indirect costs as direct. The material and handling costs are treated in a separate way, but not the best cost driver had been chosen (direct material dollars), as it would be seen in the ABC. Moreover, setup labour is assigned directly based on the setup hours for which information is available. The remaining overheads are allocated on the basis of machine  hours. As mentioned by Peggy Alford, this gives an idea why competitors are cutting prices on pumps. It is now clear that costs of the pumps is overstated using the standard costing method while the costs of the valves are understated. But, costing can be improved especially that the flow controllers’ price is not really explained that they are cheaper to produce than it was calculated by the standard costing method. The ABC method tracks as much as possible of the indirect expenses of the products and services. So any expense incurred of a product is directly charged to that particular product rather than spreading the expense over all the products. When expenses incurred of a number of products, they are gathered and allocated based on a proper cost driver. In this way, the allocation will be done in proportion to the real costs consumption by all the products. Table 1 had shown the ABC costs calculations for the three products. Now, we can see that flow controllers have been subsidised by pumps and selling them for $97.07 is loss making (cost $100.63) rather than at 42% gross margin. But, subsidising flow controllers had made pumps less profitable while selling price of $81.26 corresponds to 43.37% gross margin. The costs of the valves are the same under both the standard and the ABC methods. Strategic implications of the financial analysis According to Bhimani et la (2008), highly competition business environment requires a comprehensive costs understanding, and a proper costing strategy is essential to facilitate decision making. In Destin Brass case, the management is facing a decision whether to go on in the pumps market in spite of the prices fall and decreasing profit margins or to cut this business line and concentrate only on the valves and the flow controller’s products which are profitable. But, making a decision following the standard costing method would have caused disastrous consequences for the company as it would cut the profitable product and concentrate on products that are selling at a loss. Destin Brass is an ideal example of how vital is to have an accurate costing method to follow to provide strategic decision making. But, in spite of the importance of the financial and accounting information that the costing method will provide, the management vision should be supported by the information not only dictated by the accounting information. The next month results In the time where cost accounting does not matter for the cost allocation to determine the costs of the products, it does not affect the bottom line. Here, assuming that the quantities of the productions and the sales, inventory, selling prices stay the same, and the prices of material, labour, handling remains the same. The net profit would be the same as the net profit of the last month. The bottom line will be affected in case the results showing in the ABC method are considered and the selling prices are adjusted. Conclusion The costing methods used to identify the strengths and weakness of the business performance helps management to decide whether operations require any improvements. This indicates that the inaccurate costing allocation can lead to either over or under pricing. Consequently, this will prevent the management from leading the company to make higher profit, retain customers or lead the company to wrong strategic decisions.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Depth of Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights - 884 Words

Wuthering Heights was written by Emily Bronte’. It would be the least to say her imagination was quite impressive. Through imagination as a child, Bronte’ and her sisters would write children stories, which inspired some popularly known novels. Wuthering Heights contains crossing genres, changing settings, multiple narrators, and unreliable narrators. George R. R. Martin wrote the book Game of Thrones, which is one of the modern day novels that contain several of Emily Bronte’s writing techniques used in Wuthering Heights. Game of Thrones could be compared fairly easily to Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte’ opened the doors for new techniques and different styles of writing for many modern novelist. Wuthering Heights introduces the†¦show more content†¦Nelly Dean is not a very trustworthy character and readers may be drawn to see the unwinding of her unfaithfulness. The Game of Thrones contains several promiscuous characters. The Queen, Cersei, is a character who may be unreliable and especially untrustworthy. Cersei attempts to have as she desires at any cost, and soon, become one of the most untrustworthy characters in Game of Thrones. Different point of views portrays the character’s personality more accurately. The brutality in Wuthering Heights and Game of Thrones is depicted in the novels. Heathcliff becomes cold. He mentally and physically abuses the people close to him. In Game of Thrones, the kings of the time are unpleasant and often hostile. The point of view of each character can describe their behaviors in different forms to draw their readers into the action. The genres through both Wuthering Heights and Game of Thrones changes profusely. The love aspects through these novels are unbearable to become unnoticed. Wuthering Heights contains love for two men from starting with Catherine Earnshaw. The noted love flows down to their children. Catherine’s child, Young Cathy, also deals with this love and marriage turmoil. Throughout Game of Thrones series of marriages of take place. Some of the marriages were arranged, although the love between men and women depicted is quite relevant to the novel. The love stories depicted in both novels portraysShow MoreRelatedWuthering Heights by Charlotte Bronte1143 Words   |  5 Pagesa devilish, preternatural passion that tamer beings can scarcely recognize as love.† (Duclaux) Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontà « is considered a masterpiece today, however when was first published, it received negative criticism for its passionate nature. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Family Structure Of A Single Parent - 938 Words

Family structure has significantly changed from the 1940’s. The norm was that 70% of children lived with both biological parents. In the 1990’s it dropped to 60.2 % (Gennetian, 2005). In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2008 American Community Survey provided that only 45% of children were raised within an intact family (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2008). Society and culture is changing, and what wasn’t â€Å"acceptable† by many cultures such as divorce, blended families, interracial marriage, and same-sex marriage is now acceptable. Family structures will continue to change over the course of time. It’s important as a counselor to be able to evolve with change, so that one could be aware and understand each family structure’s circumstance. Provide two examples of nontraditional family structures. Single parent: A single parent is a biological parent who takes care of their child. In the 1970’s there was a dramatic change in the increase of single-parent families (Walker Hennig, 2014). 25% of the children in the United States are raised by single parents. Through studies it shows that single parents may have more disagreements and conflict, but also more intimacy of thoughts and feelings with their child, and increase of support and care (Walker Hennig, 2014). Step family (blended): A step family is when a child lives with their biological parent who is married to someone other than the biological mother or father. Blended families may include different cultures, beliefs,Show MoreRelatedFamily Structure : Single Parent And Divorced2646 Words   |  11 PagesSingle parent and divorced, shared-custody families have become more common place in American society over the past fifty years. 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